Friday, June 10, 2011

Kaftan in the City

This week the city was hit with its first heat blast of the year.  Yes, the blazing sun and humid subways confirmed that summer has finally arrived at NYC.  It's funny how a city that was so cold just a few weeks ago can now be tipping at 100 degrees.

Boho queen Nicole Richie's
kaftan style.
I suppose that's one thing ironic about New York - its weather. Despite its deathly blizzards in the winter and its relatively northern location, the summer's heat is enough to melt any ice stand.  That's not factoring in the added effects of black asphalt and elevated humidity levels.  Yes, New York summers can be quite the miserable experience.

Stylist Rachel Zoe demonstrates
a more formal side of the kaftan.
As I was walking to work one day I wondered "What can one wear to battle this heat?"  That's when the thought came to me: a summer kaftan.  I was first introduced to the significance of a kaftan when reading Rachel Zoe's Style From A to Zoe.  The beauty of a kaftan is that it can portray elegance and style without sacrificing comfort.  Let's not forget that 70's bohemian style is top style this season!  The best part about this little piece is that the light fabric makes it perfect in the heat.  Bright colors reflect off heat and light fabrics such as cotton and jersey provide protection from the sun's deathly rays.  Yes, summer just got a lot better now that I found my secret weapon against all this heat.
Beating the city's heat with my kaftan in Union Square.


  1. hi! I hope you dont find this creepy--i was researching LIM college & their MBA program and your blog popped up! I was wondering if you could provide a bit more info for me!...i havent found anything from actual students that details their experiences, whether they love/hate it, how hard it was to get it in...etc. anything you could provide would be sooo helpful!

    love your blog!


  2. Hi CT,

    Thank you so much, I'm so happy you ran into my blog! I LOVE LIM College's MBA program. They are an awesome school with wonderful professors. They are very supportive and understanding; I am learning something new everyday!. The best part is that I am learning the business side of fashion, which I wasn't able to get from undergrad. I definitely recommend scheduling an interview or going to an open house, but from a student's point of view, it is a fabulous school.

    Hope this helps.

  3. aw thanks soo much for responding! im glad you seem to like it--i am definitely excited to visit & learn more about their programs. in terms of getting into LIM, did it you find it to be competitive? i'm just worried i wont get in because of grades / my major in college was poli sci!

    Thanks again for the help!!!



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