Thursday, March 24, 2011

The "Hey...It's Ok List"

I remember the first time I heard someone complaining about Time Square and the chaos within it.  I'm not going to say that it's not a circus getting through those few blocks.  From the street performers to the tour guide hustlers and countless tourists passing, it's not a place for the faint at heart.  However, I always accepted it as part of the great city that is NYC.  I always enjoyed the occasional walk-thru and taking in the atmosphere; the horn honking, the people traffic, the lights and advertisements.  All so iconic New York and there's  no other place like it.  

As a visitor, it's okay to think this way.  However, as a 'New Yorker' it appeared I had to adjust my views.  See, as a 'New Yorker' you're supposed to adopt into ways of the city.  (i.e. learn how to ignore all noise around you, avoid the cliche crowded areas, and appear to be perpetually in a hurry.)  

And so, after months of observation of myself and my fellow city dwellers, I present a list of acts that are by far more than okay to be caught doing - despite the fact you are a "New Yorker."

So you live in New York, it's still okay:

To only know the subway routes on one side of the city. 

To skip the Starbucks and Dunkin'Donuts and go for the 85 cents deli coffee.

That you realized you walked the wrong direction from the subway exit 5 blocks too late.

That you needed to take a cab for a 10 block commute. 

To use your iPod as an excuse not to talk to people you know and see on the street.

To look up and appreciate the skyline view.

If you and your friends yelp for almost an hour and still end up in the usual restaurant/bar/cafe. 

To not be able to give tourists directions to where they want to go.

That you grabbed take-out from Au Bon Pain for dinner...again.

To look like a crazy bag lady. Who wouldn't with your purse and lunch bag and laptop and overnighter dangling from your body?

That you ate at the Olive Garden in Time Square and loved it

To stop and take pictures every now and then.

If you just blurted out the lyrics of the song playing on your iPod.
Being touristy in the city (oh, no!)


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